Dama del Armiño

The Royal Palace of Madrid hosted during the summer months of 2011 the temporary exhibition Poland, Treasures and Artistic Collections (National Heritage), in which ‘La Dama del Armiño’ (Leonardo da Vinci, room 1490) could be contemplated. In order to move the delicate portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, lover of Ludovico Sforza (Duke of Milan), to Spain, the highest standards of preventive conservation were sought, being exposed to the public in the midst of extraordinary measures.

On this occasion SIT’s Fine Arts Department was commissioned to make the moving of the art work from the Czartorysky Museum, and our technical team to design and produce an active showcase of 2.40 meters high and only 50 cm of depth in which the latest technology, functionality and design were combined. During the months that the exhibition was open to the public, the work remained inside this furniture in a way that was sealed to external agents and within the constant parameters of 20º temperature and 50% humidity, being visited by a constant flow of groups of 20 people for up to 40 minutes.

This work, without a doubt, is one of the most special of those developed by SIT in recent years and has served as an example for subsequent actions.
