How companies need to respond quickly to changing scenarios


With the arrival of the pandemic, one of the business tools that has been most affected is mobility. The health situation has meant that HR departments in large companies have had to rethink the expatriation strategies of their professionals. And in this context, more than ever they need advice and services such as the one offered by SIT Spain, which accompanies the client in each of the stages of their stay abroad. Rapid response to demands is now an added value.

During these months, caution has been the key in expatriation processes, as no one knew what the evolution of the health situation in both the country of origin and destination might be. For this reason, companies are trying new formulas, such as, for example, that the transfer should be, especially at the beginning, on an individual basis and not as a family, so that it is done as a first approach to the host country.

In addition, companies are opting for teleworking and flexibility as a model for attracting and retaining talent. Long-term relocation is giving way to the transfer of people for projects that involve temporary stays. Relocation and Immigration helps companies and individuals to analyze the specific situation of the destination countries in order to assess them and make concrete decisions quickly. We accompany and advise them, offering them updated information and alternatives, so that both the companies that hire our services, as well as the expatriates, feel at all times that they can count on the guarantee of feeling supported.

We look for alternatives to delays or cancellations so that they can be comfortable in the country, with real-time advice and specific information on the regulations in each country both in origin and destination.