Words from JOSE LUIS TABUENCA SOBRINOS, founding partner of SIT

The 13th of September 1960, which was Tuesday of “Don’t get married or set sail” well the three partners got married and set sail and SIT was born. 

Like all human project, it was the realization and development of an illusion, the illusion of three young boys: Jose Luis Tabuenca Sobrinos, Antonio Chamorro Simón y Luis Ruiz-Vernacci y Pérez-Bueno. The first steps could be made thanks to a 300.000 pesetas credit (now equivalent to 1.800€). Nowadays the company’s income is around 22.000.000€ (3.652.000 pesetas).

Since its beginnings SIT has been breaking down its boundaries, it took the first Spanish truck and one of the first European trucks that got to Teherán. It was in the year 1962 with a Pegaso truck. Furthermore SIT has been the first Spanish company to carry out movings in countries outside Europe and also maritime movings between the whole world, without going through Spain.

I want to finish saying:

“The past is written and the future is yet to be written by you who have the relay”.