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We offer companies our help to adapt their expatriated employees to the new professional environment with our “Welcome” services, motivated by feeling at home.


Cultural Adaptation

We help your expatriated employees and their families adapt to the new environment using on-site and online cultural education programs

    Language Courses

    Language training at a global and executive level through individual or familiar courses, either on-site/virtual/ on the phone/mixed, at home or at the company

    Online Country Guides

    Interactive and training guides that inform about the culture, traditions and values of the countries the expatriated employees are sent to by companies.

    Our main goal is that the employee understands the new culture for his professional success.

    Labour Integration for the Partner

    Professional and educational guidance programs aimed towards the partners, to get to know the local labour market, the different techniques and search methods, he receives guidance for the development of the CV, interview preparation and information about the education programs available.