Mudanza durante las vacaciones de navidad

This time of year is known as the season of presents, treats and memories with loved ones. Talking about packing and moving may not get you in the Christmas spirit, but you and your family can enjoy the process with some planning and a positive attitude.

Here at SIT Spain we want to give you some tips so that if you have no choice but to make the move during the festive season, at least it will result in a successful move and be part of creating new memories with your loved ones.

Create a schedule and organise a calendar

Since the holiday season is a busy time, you may want to give yourself a couple of weeks to get organised. Try to work backwards from the date you have to move so that you have enough time to pack, donate and move your belongings.

As we have said in several of our previous blogs, if you rush the process and leave everything to the last minute, you are more likely to be stressed and disappointed.

    Consider holiday shopping and eager holiday shoppers

    Even if you are free from work and have more time to shop for the move, be aware that there may be more traffic on the roads due to last-minute shoppers, especially if you go over the weekend.

    Compras navideñas

    Plan a Christmas get-together away from home

    Si te encuentras en pleno proceso de la mudanza, puede que este año no puedas celebrar las fiestas en tu casa, pero aún puedes crear recuerdos festivos con tu familia. Si tienes niños, puedes llevarles a una buena cena o hacer una pequeña fiesta con tus familiares más cercanos, puedes pedir a la gente que traiga comida y así no tendrás que hacer tanta planificación o movimientos de cajas.

        Create a spending plan

        During the holidays, your budget is probably already tight because of all the gifts you want to buy. Make a spending plan on the go with all the items on your list, including unexpected expenses that may arise.


            Pack a little at a time to avoid burnout.

            Last minute packing can add a lot of unnecessary stress to your holiday moving plans. Try to pack a few boxes at a time.

            The best advice, as always, is to leave your move to professionals to take the stress out of gathering and packing everything, however, we understand that there are some very personal items that you will want to pack yourself and these tips are focused on precisely those more important belongings.

                No need to forget about Christmas

                The Christmas decorations can be kept in a separate, clearly marked box, so that when you move into your new home you can hang them up easily. Keep them all in a single pack so that you can find them easily when you’ve moved in.

                  Donate the items you do not want

                  These are special dates to make donations to those in need. A good idea for items that you no longer want for space or because you have new ones is to donate them.

                  Consider donating items that are in good condition to organisations that accept this during the holidays, you’re sure to make more than one person happy. Also, it will help you reduce the number of boxes you carry with you.

                      Reduce gifts as much as possible this year

                      To save time and resources, consider asking friends and family to wait to give gifts until after the move.

                      If you have gifts for your family, bring them to your new home unwrapped so they fit into boxes or containers more easily.

                        regalos de navidad


                        Although moving during this time of year can seem very stressful due to all the activities, there is always something positive to take away from it:

                        At this time of year, people tend to be more generous because of the Christmas spirit, so you can probably get more help when it comes to moving house. And not only that, if you have children, they will certainly be a little more available to look after them while you take care of the most difficult things.

                        You will be able to celebrate the new year in your new home, the perfect time to start with the new year’s resolutions in an improved environment.

                        At SIT Spain we offer you all the help you need to make this experience the best it can be, we take care of your move from start to finish so that all you have to do is sit back and relax during the festivities.