camión en bruselas

If a national move can be hard, moving from one country to another can be even harder. Packing up your whole life in boxes, finding a place to live, making new connections, etc. It’s a process that takes time and a lot of planning.

If this is your first time in this experience, we understand that many things may come to your mind, but from SIT we bring you a guide to make your international move in the best possible way:

Hire professionals

It is essential to begin preparations one or two months in advance, to check that the professionals you hire have all the necessary permits to make a quality international move.

Thanks to our excellent international network, at SIT the quality of the move remains intact beyond Europe.

SIT will provide you with the necessary help to speed up and resolve your move through a coordinator who will take you by the hand from origin to destination. Our main interest is to guarantee a comfortable and safe international move.

If possible, visit your new city before moving to another country

As a recommendation and if it is within your means, before moving to another country for good, we recommend that you make at least one visit to your new city, so you can get to know the different areas and neighbourhoods.

Ask the locals for suggestions or, if you are staying in a hotel, ask the hotel staff for recommendations – who better to get to know the area than the locals themselves.

turistas visitando la ciudad

If you have children, research schools in the area.

If you have children of school age, it is advisable to do some research on schools in the area. Look for reviews and ratings, as well as recommendations while you are visiting the city, this should also be one of your priorities.

Be aware of tax changes

To establish residency in a new state, you will have to file your tax returns in that state and probably also in your old state of residence.

If all this scares you, at SIT Spain we have an immigration & relocation team. Our specialised department offers a comprehensive service to our clients, advising on all issues that may arise during the relocation process.

  • Cancellation of leases, guarantees, insurance, etc.
  • Management of cancellation of supply contracts (water, electricity, gas and internet).
  • Assistance with the settlement of the security deposit.
  • Check- out of the property (revision of the state of the property).
  • Deregistration from school

The best way to carry out a successful international move is to have the help of professionals who know all the steps to follow. We are a company specialised in international removals, offering personalised attention to each of our clients. If you want us to take care of your move, send us an email to and we will answer all your questions.

Una taza de café que dice La vida es bella en español.